Devtron Helm Charts
This Repository contains all the charts used by Devtron for different components and is maintained by Devtron.
Some charts are used by Devtron for its functionality and other charts are also provided which can be used to add additional features and components in Devtron Cluster.
The Charts with its functionality is listed below:
- Kube Prometheus Stack as a end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus
- Argocd as a declarative, GitOps CD tool
- Argo Workflows as a container-native workflow engine for orchestrating parallel jobs on Kubernetes, it works as a CI in Devtron Dashboard
- Clair & Guard for Image Scanning in application containers
- Nats Server as a High Performance Server for NATS
- Nats Streaming for NATS Streaming Cluster Setup in Devtron
- Argo Rollout used as a K8s controller which provide advanced deployment capabilities such as blue-green, canary, canary analysis, experimentation, and progressive delivery features to Kubernetes
- Kubewatch a Kubernetes watcher that currently publishes events notifications through webhooks
- Calico Networking implements the Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI) as a plug-in and provides agents for K8s to provide networking for containers and pods.
- Dgraph as a distributed graph database
- Coralogix for log collection, real time insights and trend analysis
- AWS SSM Agent used to install SSM Agent on EKS worker nodes
- Cluster Essentials used to install all the infra essentials that a kubernetes cluster needs
- Devtron Backup used to take backup of Devtron
- Devtron Generic Helm used to deploy any custom YAML file or group of resources
- Devtron used to install and configure Devtron
- Devtron Secrets used to create Secrets in Devtron Cluster
- GitSensor used for devtron component git-sensor which keeps checking for recent commits on your source code repository
- Mautic used as a email-marketing tool in K8s Cluster
- Knative Installer to enable serverless workloads to run on Kubernetes Cluster
- Kube State Metric used to install kube-state-metrics to generate and expose cluster-level metrics
- Secret Replicator used to create secrets in multiple NameSpace in Devtron Cluster
How to use the charts
Install with Helm
These charts are currently not available on the official helm repository therefore you need to download it to install.
helm repo add devtron
helm install Chart-Release-Name devtron/chartName
Each Chart also has a seperate Readme file to understand the usage in Devtron.
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